Grottos, Shrines, and Memorials
Dickeyville Grotto by Father Matthias Wernerus in Dickeyville, Wisconsin Rudolph Grotto by Father Philip Wagner in Rudolph, Wisconsin Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption by Father Paul Dobberstein in West Bend, Iowa St. Peters Rock Grotto by Father Scheier in Farmer, Noirth Dakota
Roadside Displays
American roadside displays, off-beat curiosities, and yard shows.
Religious Building Conversions
Buildings such as theaters, banks, fire stations, and storefronts repurposed to churches and mosques. Synagogues converted into Christian churches.
American vernacular architecture and hand-painted decorations.
Halloween Displays
These displays are mostly handmade, Randy Skalos’ Haunt on Williams Street also features vintage and custom crafted items. Most of the displays are re-installed annually 2-3 weeks before Halloween, and are taken down the day after.
Signage and Murals 1997-2005
A gallery of hand-painted vernacular signage and murals mostly produced for commercial establishments. Typically, but not always, the work of professional sign painters and often humorous, these are one-of-a-kind works of street art.