Prophet Isaiah Robertson - Part 1Niagara Falls, New York

~Robertson 1

A slideshow containing images by photographer Fred Scruton.

Northeast Region


A House and Property Filled with Symbols of Prophecy

Prophet Isaiah Robertson (1947 – 2020)

Second Coming House

Art Type or Medium: Environment/Installation

Status: inactive - good condition

Viewable: yes

Secular or Religious: Religious

At age twenty-four, Isaiah Robertson emigrated from Jamaica to Canada where he worked primarily in the construction trades. He moved from the Toronto area to Niagara Falls, NY in 2004.  The nearby Mt. Erie Baptist Church– where he is a parishioner– hired him for a simple interior renovation, but through divine intervention, the project became his first prophecy.

Begun after the church interior was completed in 2006, the elaborate and specific symbolism that covers his house and property represents his second prophecy of the Second Coming.  (a page detailing Prophet Isaiah’s symbolism will be added soon)

Isaiah Robertson ca 2011-2012

See also: