Beoddy Works on Paper
Drawings and underground comics by James Beoddy dating from approximately the early 1970’s to 2015. All artworks ©James Beoddy estate.
Drawings and underground comics by James Beoddy dating from approximately the early 1970’s to 2015. All artworks ©James Beoddy estate.
Paintings by James Beoddy dating from approximately the early 1970’s to the early 2000’s. All paintings ©James Beoddy estate.
James Beoddy recalled that he began to draw when he was about four or five years old, and despite having attended college for a couple of years, he was primarily a self-taught artist. Beginning in 2000, he taught himself to paint in anaglyphic and ChromaDepth® 3-D. A longtime passionate advocate for freedom of expression, Beoddy’s […]
Jeannie Tagle brings her Halloween display props and sensibilities to her amusing and topical Christmas and Easter mash-ups.
Every year (2021 was the 31st) there are hundreds of visitors to Randy Skalos’ Haunt on Williams Halloween display. During trick-or-treat hours on Halloween night, the city of Conneaut closes Randy’s block to traffic while the multi-colored hellmouth of northwestern Ohio erupts.
In 2020 Randy Skalos resurrected his elaborate Halloween display for the 30th time. It attracts hundreds of visitors and is the local epicenter of Halloween – the city of Conneaut closes Randy’s block on Halloween night, and there are long lines of costumed visitors waiting in the driveway at the curtained entrance to his garage […]
When I first accidentally happened upon Jeannie Tagle’s Halloween haunt in 2011 (and met her for the first time), I asked if I could take pictures and whether she would mind posing in the display. She promptly changed into a slasher victim costume, applied soul eater fangs, grabbed an alien fetus specimen jar, and lowered […]
In 1988 Charles Wince purchased a 2 ½-story “fixer-upper” house in a then rundown Columbus neighborhood. In retrospect, it was lucky that there were no fine interior architectural details to preserve, and Wince’s distinctly personal transformation of his home (whose surroundings have evolved into a much more fashionable and expensive neighborhood) continues to the present […]
Since the mid-1980’s, Steve Kaselak has annually filled his front yard and property with an Easter display from Palm to Easter Sundays. For more than a generation, visiting Jellybeanville has become an annual family tradition for numerous local residents. Kaselak begins planning each year’s display in January, and it takes him about two weeks to […]
Often self-taught ‘artists’ don’t think of themselves as, or like to be called ‘artists’. They may not produce any ‘for sale’ art objects, their work may be too personal, or it may be intended to carry religious messages from God (for which they accept no personal credit). Many think of themselves as being too unskilled […]
A retired grade school and part-time art teacher, Lindsey Alexander has turned sections of her home and backyard into modern-day “grottos” memorializing personal family histories. She uses blue Estée Lauder bottles from her mother’s personal collection, diary and hand-written letter transfers onto ceramic tile, shards of fine china, collected mementos, jewels, sequins, beads, eggshells, handmade […]
In 1988 Charles Wince purchased a 2 ½-story “fixer-upper” house in a then rundown Columbus neighborhood. In retrospect, it was lucky that there were no fine interior architectural details to preserve, and Wince’s distinctly personal transformation of his home (whose surroundings have evolved into a much more fashionable and expensive neighborhood) continues to the present […]
[the] aesthetic might be described as Gaudí meets Mickey Mouse
Jeff Elersic has covered his house and van with grievances about law enforcement, the justice system, and lawyers.
Jeff Elersic has covered his house and van with grievances about law enforcement, the justice system, and lawyers.
Portraits of artists creators, and performers.
Art environments are typically made by by artists working outside the mainstream of contemporary art. Exposed to the weather and free for public viewing, the environments have little or no connection to the monetized art-object-based realm of galleries and museums. Often the ‘artists’ don’t think of themselves as, or like to be called ‘artists’, their […]
Often self-taught ‘artists’ don’t think of themselves as, or like to be called ‘artists’. They may not produce any ‘for sale’ art objects, their work may be too personal, or it may be intended to carry religious messages from God (for which they accept no personal credit). Many think of themselves as being too unskilled […]
Often self-taught ‘artists’ don’t think of themselves as, or like to be called ‘artists’. They may not produce any ‘for sale’ art objects, their work may be too personal, or it may be intended to carry religious messages from God (for which they accept no personal credit). Many think of themselves as being too unskilled […]