James Beoddy - Part 2 - PaintingsColumbus, Ohio
~Beoddy paintings
A slideshow containing images by photographer Fred Scruton.
James Beoddy; Martian Gothic, 1997 (approx 3.5 x 3 feet)1/33
James Beoddy; Martian Gothic, 1997 (detail)2/33
James Beoddy; Martian Gothic, 1997 (detail)3/33
James Beoddy; Martian Gothic, 1997 (detail)4/33
James Beoddy; (family portrait), (approx 3 x 4 feet)5/33
James Beoddy; A BUGBEAR IN SODOM [unfinished], (~4 x 4 feet)6/33
James Beoddy; A BUGBEAR IN SODOM [unfinished], (detail)7/33
James Beoddy; A BUGBEAR IN SODOM [unfinished], (detail)8/33
James Beoddy; A BUGBEAR IN SODOM [unfinished], (detail)9/33
James Beoddy; The Superdupers, 1979, 64 x64 inches10/33
James Beoddy; (Agonai Thertre), 199011/33
James Beoddy; Millenium, 1989 (approx 3 x 4 feet)12/33
James Beoddy; Millenium, 1989 (detail)13/33
James Beoddy; Millenium, 1989 (detail)14/33
James Beoddy; Millenium, 1989 (detail)15/33
James Beoddy; Millenium, 1989 (detail)16/33
James Beoddy; Arenas, 1977 (approx 4 x 8 feet)17/33
James Beoddy; Arenas, 1977 (detail)18/33
James Beoddy; Arenas, 1977 (detail)19/33
James Beoddy; Bedlam (approx 3 x 4 feet)20/33
James Beoddy; 4x8' plywood with cut outs for appearances/performances21/33
James Beoddy; Columbus, OH 201022/33
James Beoddy; 4x8' plywood (detail)23/33
James Beoddy; (title unknown #1)24/33
James Beoddy; (title unknown #2), 1976, 32x48 inches25/33
James Beoddy; (title unknown #3), 1992 (approx 20 x 14 inches)26/33
James Beoddy; FZAP, 1986 (approx 3 x 4.5 feet)27/33
James Beoddy; (title unknown #4)28/33
James Beoddy; Beoddy's Inferno, 1976 (approx 3 x 4 feet)29/33
James Beoddy; The Temptation of James Anthony, 1975 (approx 3.5 x 4 feet)30/33
James Beoddy; (title unknown #5)31/33
James Beoddy; The Knife is the Color of Time, 1974 (approx 3 x 4 feet)32/33
James Beoddy; (mother and father), 198533/33
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James Beoddy (1951 – 2015)
Art by James Beoddy
Art Type or Medium: Painting
Viewable: no
Secular or Religious: Secular
Paintings by James Beoddy dating from approximately the early 1970’s to the early 2000’s. All paintings ©James Beoddy estate.
See also: