Southeast Region
William Thomas Thompson (b. 1935)
Art by William Thomas Thompson
Art Type or Medium: Painting
Viewable: By appointment through the artist's website
Secular or Religious: Mixed
William Thompson provided this information about the numbered series of large-scale paintings that starts with slide #5 (showing the American flag):
“Here is a list of the 7 paintings series and the sequence they were painted along with the title of each painting. Each painting is 12 x 15’ acrylic on heavy canvas.
1 – Chemtrail’s, the spraying of the atmosphere with chemicals, nanoparticles of aluminum and micro plastic fibers. (photo: Marshall Graham Photography)
2-False Flag, our stripes morphing into colors of the rainbow.
3-The Great Deception of Church and State. 2017
4-The Toxic Dollar, the weapon of mass destruction 2018
5-Martin Luther and the Great Reformation 2018
6-The Gate of Hell 2019/20 “They that live by the sword, die by the sword.” Matthew 26-52
7-Heaven [unfinished?]
8-5G Apocalypse 5G 2020*
See also:
- Norbert Kox: Apocalypse House & Museum of Visionary Art
- News & Events: William Thomas Thompson Exhibition